
Financial Education

What is it?

It’s not always advice that you need, maybe just education and some questions answered, we are okay with that. We developed our Financial Consulting model for Athletes and Entertainers that already have all the structures and foundations in place and just need to ask a few questions every now and then to stay on track. We do not take your personal circumstances into consideration when consulting, rather we pick a few topics you want to discuss, go over them in as much detail or as briefly as you want and ensure you walk away with all of the tools you need to keep yourself on track. It may be about how superannuation works for contractors, or what insurance measures are available through organisations such as the NRL or FOX and how they interact with personal policies that may be held. Our packages cater for those who want to do this once every few years or those who want to pop in often and not cost them an arm and a leg!


How does it work

• Financial consulting sessions work by firstly initiating a 15 minute call to rule out if you need Financial Advice or Wealth Management and to discuss what topics you want to explore, how long you will need, and what the best way for you to get value may be according to you as an Athlete or Entertainment professional.

• The sessions are charged hourly for those who want to pop in randomly or there are packaged memberships for more cost effective options for those who may use this more regularly

• Once we establish the topics and time frame, an agenda is developed and a meeting booked.

• During the meeting NO PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES will be taken into consideration. We will solely be discussing the topics in general and the pros and cons to the things you may want to discuss along with education on the matters as well.

• Notes will be made from the meeting for both parties records and you will be left to walk away and use the education to better your long term knowledge and use of the financial system.

• You are welcome to come back and discuss as many topics as you would like as many times as you would like!